Terms & Conditions

  1. Bike Plates SA takes no responsibility for inappropriate use or neglect of any products supplied.
  2. Care and maintenance of products remain the clients' responsibility.
  3. While all reasonable precaution and care is taken in size, colour and positioning, The Print Studio can Not be held liable in any way for variation in final product output.
  4. Bike Plates SA takes No responsibility howsoever for any client stock and or materials on premises at any time - be it due to fire, theft or any other eventuality. All stock on premises are strictly at client's risk.
  5. Artwork may be purchased by written request at any time.
  6. Any artwork prepared and/or designed by Bike Plates SA remains the intellectual property of Bike Plates SA.
  7. Installation & Delivery Jobs shall ONLY be scheduled after Full Cleared Payment is received.
  8. Clients need to ensure access to premises when installations are conducted.
  9. The onus is on the client that the person or proxy at an installation site is authorised to inspect and sign off on such jobs.
  10. All jobs are confirmed and work commences after the receipt of a 75% deposit payment.
  11. No refunds  are made on any ordered jobs howsoever.
  12. Credit notes for future purchase are valid for 6 months from the original order that may have been cancelled subsequent to payment received.
  13. Any credit note requests are by the sole discretion of Management.
  14. Quotations & Invoices are subject to E&OE.
  15. We accept Cash | Card | EFT Payments - No Cheque payment are accepted.
  16. Cancellations are charged at 25% of the quotation or invoice value.
  17. Deliveries run from Mon-Fridays 08:30 to 17:00.
  18. The Client acknowledges and thus accepts all terms and conditions by placing and order verbally and or by making deposit payments.
  19. All Goods & Services remain the property of The Print Studio until paid in full.
  20. Bike Plates SA reserves all rights including the right to change pricing without notice.